301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently


Hotspur Primary School

Hotspur Primary School was built and opened in 1984 following the merger of Sandyford and North View schools. It enjoys a fantastic location in the Ouseburn Valley and on the edge of the City Centre. This presents many opportunities for making our curriculum relevant, stimulating, challenging and enjoyable. We have good and developing links with many individuals and organisations in our community which help our children to understand the history of our area and look forward to the future.

 Our school draws children and families from wonderfully diverse backgrounds making it a truly comprehensive learning environment. Ensuring that children do their very best in core skills such as reading, writing and maths is at the heart of our work. We have a systematic approach that ensures children are suitably challenged to make progress. We carefully track this and are able to intervene or extend learning as appropriate to each child.
