301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently


Chillingham Road Primary School

Chillingham Road Primary School is a village school in the heart of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Undoubtedly, as a Heritage school, our history and archives evidence many of the changes in education and society experienced by the Heaton community.

Our school is a place where families have congregated for generations and where thick networks have been established and nourished.

We understand our duty to nurture and empower the next generation. As a learning community, we value an inclusive and reflective approach to learning. Our vision is to develop the whole child, celebrate diversity, ignite curiosity and inspire creativity.

None of these elements are easy to realise, however, through:

  • the expertise and continued development of our staff
  • the  sustained collaboration with families and Governors and
  • the time we create to know our children and understand how they learn best

...then we will succeed.

Welcome to the Chilliverse, we’re glad that you are here.


