301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently


Governance Documents

Articles of Association

These are the written rules which explain the roles and responsibilities of both the members and the directors and how the company is run.

Ouseburn Learning Trust Articles of Association

Trust Board and Working Group Terms of Reference

These give examples of the decisions that are made by the Trust Board and the decisions that it delegates to each of the working groups. Terms of reference are reviewed at least annually as part of self evaluation of governance.

Terms of reference - Full Board 2017-18

Terms of reference - Executive Group 2017-18

Terms of reference - Heads Group 2017-18

Terms of reference - Monitoring and Impact Group 2017-18

Terms of reference - Music and Arts Group 2017-18

Terms of reference - Partner engagement Group 2017-18

Terms of Reference PE and Sports Group 2017-18

Terms of Reference - SENDCo Group 2017-18


OLT Data Protection Policy

OLT Data Retention Schedule