301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently


Working Groups

The Trust Board is too large to discuss anything other than strategic direction and so Working Groups will be delegated from the Board to deal with specific aspects of moving the Trust forward. There will be a standing item on each agenda for reports from Working Groups. These working groups are defined by the Strategic Plan.


To support the working of the Trust, schools have set up network meetings between members of staff with similar roles or interests. All networks feed back to the Headteachers who will then discuss any relevant business at their meeting. The Headteachers’ network will then report any Trust business back to each Board meeting. There is clearly a very close relationship between school business and Trust business and it will be part of the Chair’s role to decide whether any items should not be included for discussion at the Board meeting.

The Executive Group has responsibility for leading and monitoring the work of trust personnel.

Executive Group terms of reference