301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently


Continuing Professional Development

Enabling our teaching and non-teaching staff to access the very best Continued Professional Development (CPD) opportunities is integral to the Ouseburn Learning Trust. 

In addition to a regular and high quality programme of staff development (Our Teach Meet activity being one such example), there are a number of groups who meet to reflect and share good practice, e.g. Deputy Headteachers, SENDCOs, School Business Managers. In 2017-18 we have established networks for staff to meet regularly to discuss Maths, English and Early Years practice. We will establish a similar group for Arts and Cultural engagement across the Trust. Primary school staff have the opportunity to visit and observe other schools within the Trust on one of their school training days.

Ouseburn Learning Trust Lead Practitioners

As part of moving teaching and learning forward across the Ouseburn Learning Trust, senior leaders have identified a group of ‘Lead Practitioners’ who have demonstrated exemplary practice across a range of different areas.

These ‘Lead Practitioners’ have been recognised as being excellent teachers who all have specific specialisms linked to teaching and learning, as well as all having the capacity and expertise to help to develop provision in their chosen areas across our group of schools.

The ‘Lead Practitioners’ are from a wide range of settings across the trust and the group has been chosen to represent a broad spectrum of skills and backgrounds, in order to best meet the needs of all of our staff and pupils.

Head teachers, senior leaders or teaching staff can contact ‘Lead Practitioners’ directly in order to request support for individual staff or teams – It is down to the people involved to design what this support should look like, based around the needs of staff and capacity of the LP at that time.

We hope that schools will all make use of this fantastic opportunity to tap in to some of the excellent teacher knowledge and expertise that we have in the ‘Ouseburn Learning Trust’ and that this will become a great tool for school improvement for all of our pupils.     

Ouseburn Learning Trust Teach Meet

 Teach Meet’s are informal events where teachers participate in workshops and showcase elements of best classroom practice.  The focus of any good Teach Meet is to share ideas and the most effective classroom methodology.

Thursday 10th November 2016

The second annual OLT Teach Meet was hosted by the Great North Museum Hancock. Teachers gathered from across the Trust to present and share best practice. A wide range of presentations covered everything from Sheds to Shakespeare! It was especially exciting to see the focus on partnership working in presentations by West Jesmond staff and the Great North Museum’s Adam Goldwater. 

Thursday 24th September 2015

The Ouseburn Learning Trust’s first Professional Development event of 2015/16 at Heaton Manor School was a huge success. Teachers from across the Seven Primaries and Heaton Manor Secondary school gathered to participate in a Teach Meet focussed on Maths. It was incredibly exciting to have teachers reflecting on teaching and learning practice from both the Primary and Secondary phases of our Learning Trust.